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jnana yoga

Jnana yoga is the path of knowledge and wisdom.


The jnana yogi uses the mind to inquire into the nature of its very existence. 

It is this self-inquiry which marks the practice of jnana-informed writing. 

The path of jnana is perhaps benefited most by a grounding in the other three paths.  







The Place-Based Literacy Narrative


Michael C. Pennell / "(Re)Placing the Literacy Narrative: Composing in Google Maps" / LiCS 2.2 Nov. 2014


Place-Based Literacy Narrative Assignment & Directions 


Sample Map Project


This assignment:

*requires introspection and self-inquiry

*engages students to think beyond the boundaries they're used to in the composing process,

*values differing notions of literacy

*emphasizes the fact that gaining literacy, and growth of all sorts, is non-linear

*identifies the environment as playing a fundamental role in the process of gaining multiple literacies (writing included)

*allows students to see connections among seemingly disparate elements

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