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karma yoga

Karma yoga is selfless service. 





Karma yoga is the practice of acting without attachment to the fruits of labor. It is this non-attachment which serves as the avenue to enlightenment in yoga philosophy. Since everything is in a constant state of flux, becoming attached to anything will ultimately lead to suffering. The illusion of static-ness is what perpetuates desires, and the anger/sadness/anxiety which results from frustrated desires. 

The most important element of service and karma yoga is the right attitude. 

The process itself of service will then be reflected upon, but there is intrinsic epistemological value in putting yourself in new experiences and staying present as a result. 


Service learning and experiential education are valuable to the contemplative writing process; the immediate possibilities around us dictate our options for both action and introspection. This can be extended to the embodied act of writing. ​

The more it happens, the deeper you can take your practice. 

You can incorporate service learning projects into your pedagogy to engage karma yoga literally, but karma yoga principles form the undercurrent of all embodied processes of writing.






​*Do you have a habit of cleaning before you write? Next time you're washing the dishes and your mind is on the project looming in the near future, focus your mind on the process of washing the dishes. What does it feel like? Each time a thought emerges which tempts to bring you back to a state of anxiety, refocus on the embodied process of washing the dishes. If your mind is focusing on the fruits of labor (i.e. the task that doing the dishes leads you to), you miss out on the opportunity to be present; to let your intuitive self shine through.  


*As much as possible, write without attachment to the product you are producing.


*Write as an integrated component of your spiritual practice.


*Keep a journal. Record your daily thoughts and activities without judgment.


*Set a timer, and write autonomously, with no goal in mind. 


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