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raja yoga

Raja yoga

is the science of physical and mental control

Ashtanga yoga / 8 limbs of raja yoga

Yamas / 

Niyamas /

Asanas / 

Pranayama / 

Pratyahara / 

Dharana / 

Dhyana / 

samadhi / 



non-violence, truthfulness, moderation, non-stealing, non-covetousness

purity, contentment, austerity, study, surrender

superconscious state of oneness /


meditation / pure thought / absorption in the object of meditation


withdrawal of the senses in order to

still the mind

regulation and control of the


physical exercises / 12 basic poses / balanced, steady pose


The goal of all yoga is to reach enlightenment.

The path of raja yoga provides our bodies and minds with the proper training so that we may reach this state through the eight limbs of ashtanga yoga.

Asanas, which commonly make up the whole of a Western yoga practice, are intended to stimulate energey centers with the goal of facilitating the flow of prana and lubricate the body so that one can achieve the stillness required for a state of non-dual meditation.

Pranayama (breathing exercises) are the main way yogis can facilitate the flow of prana. 




Before you write...




















While you practice this exercise, focus your mind only on your breath. 
If you've created a mantra for yourself, repeat your mantra with each inhale.

As extraneous thoughts arise, as they are bound to, recognize them and without judgment, re-focus on the breath. 

If you've been sitting for a long time, practice this mindful breathing and mantra repetition while taking a walk. With each stride, repeat your mantra.

This is an inventional practice that makes space for different orientations to writing. 

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